Thursday, January 22, 2015

Organic Acorn Squash Stuffed with Wheat-berry Pilaf

I love creating beautiful and healthy dishes, and I'm always trying to use new ingredients! Have you tasted wheat berries? When cooked correctly, these little gems will burst with flavor, and nourish you. Wheat berries are delicious, nutty, wholesome, filling, and a wonderful alternative to rice! I love salads, but what better way to present this delicious vegan feast, than in a perfect heart-shaped squash "dish"?  This recipe has "love" written all over it! 

Ingredients (all-organic)
1 cup wheat berries
3 cups water
pinch of salt
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 large sweet onion
1 medium red bell pepper
1 carrot
1/4 cup raw pecans
1/4 cup raisins
curly parsley
2 butternut squashes

The first thing I do, is put my wheat berries in with the water to boil with the salt, since they will take about an hour to get soft and ready. At the same time, I start to work with my squash - I cut them in half along the ridges so they resemble 2 hearts. (I use the ridges as my guides to cut evenly). I use an ice-cream scoop to remove the seeds, and also cut more squash out of the middle. This not only helps to make sure the squash cooks all the way through, and isn't raw when I stuff it after baking, but also allows more stuffing to fit inside. I am quite resourceful, so I save the squash I remove, and will use it tomorrow with my breakfast millet kasha! ;)

When the squash halves are ready and hollowed out, they go into the oven at 380 deg, for about an hour. I like to check up on them, to make sure they don't overcook (but it's unlikely).
At the same time as the wheat berries are cooking, I sauté the onions, carrots, and bell peppers in the coconut oil in a separate pan, and once they are soft, I add them to a large ceramic bowl, and add the raisins and pecans to the mix. 

You will know the wheat berries are done when you see that they have become transparent and plump. About an hour is what they need, with the lid closed. Once you feel they're ready, transfer them into the bowl with the sautéed vegetables and mix well. You will need to make sure the wheat is completely coated in the oil while it's hot, so it can absorb that moisture and stay plump!

Last step is to add the curly parsley, mix well, and spoon into the ready roasted cups! Voila! All done :) This will rock your world, I promise!

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