Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To Become The Biggest Small Company

Trade shows are always wonderful, because my team members and I get to connect with other skin care professionals and vendors. Even though I have been participating in trade shows for the past 8 years, they never annoy me, or wear me out. Sometimes I hear vendors say they don't do trade shows anymore, because they feel they have outgrown shows, and don't want to spend the time and money. I don't agree with this philosophy, because as a professional brand, we owe it to the industry to show up, and give support to the estheticians. Isn't it great to receive free training, samples, discounts, demos, get answers to your questions, compare products, or just get to know the company philosophy and team? I think personal interaction is the best advertising, and maybe this is the reason my brand, SAIAN Natural Clinical Skincare,  is often referred to as "the biggest small company"! I want to give you some advice that will help you better understand what it means to be "the biggest small company", and how this will work for your advantage!
Oh, and this is me being interviewed by the amazing team of SpaBooker about my company's social media success! Which brings me to my first major piece of advice: 

Pay It Forward
This is a simple, yet majorly underestimated, and underutilized way of doing things, and you know what they say: "how you do anything, is how you do everything". It cost me absolutely zero dollars to mention SpaBooker in my blog, and give you a link to their site http://www.booker.com where you can sign up for scheduling services for your spa, salon, vet's office, or any other appointment-based business, and they paid me absolutely zero dollars to do this. Why did I just give them exposure? Well... you may also wonder why they interviewed me about social media, if I paid them nothing, and  they got nothing out of it but content. Content gets out there, people click on photos and videos, and do further research on things that they deem interesting and useful. It just so happens that some of their fans and customers may see me and become interested in what I have to say, and many of my readers will click on this link and see what awesome services SpaBooker can offer for their business. Magical, isn't it? Quite!

Respect Your Competition 
When we were little, we have always heard our parents and teachers say: "respect your classmates, play fair, etc.", but what happened to some of us once we grew up and established our own companies? Sadly, many people still don't believe in "playing fair", and outwardly put down other brands' philosophy, ingredients, practices, or anything else that they can think of, only to look better on that dirty background. Don't go down that drain, I beg you! Respect is something we owe to each other, as competitors in the same field. You surely feel how hard it is to wake up every day and go to work, try to make your current customers happy, gain new ones, spend money on ads, put out social media content, send a million e-mails, have issues with engineers or chemists, deal with UPS, pay the bills, make sure employees are saying the right things over the phone, and a plethora of other things we, as business owners, do. Respect your competitors as human beings, and that is all. Human beings who are also trying their best to succeed in a world of competition.
Offer Amazing Customer Support
We have friendly personnel in the office M-F 9am-5pm, ready to take your phone call, greet you with a delicious cup of cappuccino, or send you an e-mail signed with a happy face, and when the day is over,  another nice person is ready to answer your questions live on our site http://www.saian.net. Why is this important? Why do we keep answering your questions, even after you have placed the order, and completed the transaction? Why do we walk you through the steps of a collagen facial for an hour, even if you haven't completed the transaction? Human reasoning - when you know you're not alone, you feel empowered to use the product! You have help, you have support, and you know you're not a number. Our staff gets to know the customers, and remembers their preferences, and their favorite items. It's amazing to see our regular customers at the trade shows, and get to take photos with them! Several women have told me they always try my quinoa recipes, and love them! What a wonderful way to be a someone's favorite brand - teach them the way you eat, and they will always remember you, even at meal time! 

Don't Sell Out
I know it sounds quite ugly, but the message is plain and clear - if you wish to stay cozy and small, there is no need to become a giant conglomerate. Everyone wants financial freedom, the ability to place bigger orders with vendors, more global distribution, an easy and beautiful life, going to the bank and depositing money. That's great, but what is your passion? Mine is every single one of my products. They proudly bear my mother's last name, and that is what makes them my biggest passion... I don't want my passion on the shelves of Walmart, or a copy of my passion in Luohu mall in Shenzhen, somewhere between the fake MAC mascaras, and plastic spray-painted J'Adore bottles. I will stay small, stay true, and stay authentically professional forever. This is my promise to my mother. 

I hope you will find your passion, too, and I will support you 100%!


  1. This is awesome, Dasha!
    Thanks so much for the shout-out. We had so much fun meeting you in Long Beach!

  2. Great advice that spans to any business, no matter the industry!
