Monday, October 6, 2014

Protecting Yourself from Sneaky Trans Fats

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States, claiming approximately 1 million lives annually. Believe it or not, every 33 seconds someone in the United States dies from cardiovascular disease. This is an alarming statistic, which should be reason enough to encourage more people to eat better, and exercise.

I'm sure you know by now that I don't consume any processed foods, crackers, cereals, canned goods, chips, cookies, or fast food, but I absolutely know how to read a food label! In fact, learning how to read labels was on my nutritional examination, which I passed with flying colors, and I will teach you, as well. 

Trans fat is a specific type of fat that is formed when hydrogen is added to liquid oils to turn them into solid fats. The FDA has released a statement that partially hydrogenated oils are not "generally recognized as safe" for consumption. I am sure you are all aware of the FDA's ban on trans fats, as of November 2013, but did you know companies have found a loophole? Look at this label below, and tell me what you see? 0g Trans Fat, correct? Nope, look again. 

What you may not know, is that the FDA allows companies to list Trans Fat content as 0g if it's under 0.5g, but that's not taking the serving size into consideration. The serving size is 4 cookies, but what if you eat 8 or 12? Look carefully - these cookies can't possibly have 0g of trans fat, because there are hydrogenated vegetable oils listed in the ingredients! Check out this study conducted in 2012, and you will be shocked how many foods have Trans Fats, and the manufacturers don't list them on the package! http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2014/14_0161.htm I was appalled, and enraged! 

I realize that it is each and every person's responsibility to become educated on all subjects, to protect the health of him/herself, and teach his/her family, because the government will not do it for us, and the food manufacturers won't either. This is why I am advising you to read the ingredients on the packaged food labels, so there is absolutely no confusion regarding Trans Fats. If you see the hydrogenated oils, the product has Trans Fats, even if the label says 0g. Please take care of your health, and help others do the same! 

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