Thursday, May 21, 2015

Join Me for a 30 Day Challenge!

Do you recognize any of the following red flags that indicate your body is having a difficult time eliminating toxins?
  • persistent fatigue
  • foggy thinking
  • digestive problems
  • skin eruptions (acne, rashes, or eczema)
  • stubborn weight gain
  • hormone or blood sugar imbalance
If any of these symptoms resonate with you, your body is sending out distress signals and is suffering from toxic burden. The good news is you don’t have to feel like this! Our bodies have built-in cleaning mechanisms or “detoxification pathways,” the routes by which toxins leave our bodies. These pathways need to be reactivated in a way that resets your body for deep and lasting transformation. Join my dear friend and nutritional guru Donna Gates-The Body Ecology Diet for the 30-Day Detox Challenge which starts on June 1st and is completely FREE! You can register automatically for the 30 Day Detox Challenge by going here:
Both my mother and I have gone through this program numerous times, and it has benefited us greatly! My mother's most famous acne workshop was centered around Donna's food plan. I will be doing the challenge with you, so you will be in good company! Sign up today, and experience what it FEELS like to align yourself in perfect balance! 

Body Ecology

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